Free rental valuation report

A Rental Valuation report is generated within RP Data Professional that calculates the rent a property can expect to achieve.

It includes important information that helps investors and landlords to understand the potential of their property, such as:

  • An estimated weekly rent figure and confidence level for that figure.
  • Rental yield amount based on the current estimated sale price of the property.
  • Comparable properties with similar features and land size that have been advertised for rent recently.
  • Suburb insights including median rents, rental growth changes and extensive median sale price information.

Click here to get your Free Rental Valuation Report

See example

You just need to enter your property address and email address to create the report because RP Data is likely to already know the attributes of your property already. 

If your place is a new building or has limited comparable properties this automatic report cannot be generated. In that case, we'll ask for the number of beds, bath and car spaces of your property and create a Comparative Market Analysis report for your property which will have similar information to the above but without the estimated weekly amount. 

Learn more about how to set the rental price