Renting Laws - Residential Tenancy Act

The difference between Cubbi or an agent vs privately managing your property is you can rely on Cubbi or the Agent to assist you in upholding your responsibilities but you are always ultimately responsible. 

Each state has a separate Residential Tenancy Act with a government body that helps you understand your rights and responsibilities. 

Western Australia

Residential Tenancy Act
Government Website - Consumer Protection


Residential Tenancy Act
Government Website - Consumer Affairs

New South Wales

Residential Tenancy Act
Government Website - Fair Trading


Residential Tenancy Act
Government Website - Residential Tenancies Authority

Australian Capital Territory

Residential Tenancy Act
Government Website


Residential Tenancy Act
Government Website - Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading - Tasmania

Northern Territory 

Residential Tenancy Act
Government Website - Consumer Affairs

South Australia

Residential Tenancy Act
Government Website - SA.GOV