Can I use the photos the real estate agent had?
If you have just purchased a property and wish to use the photos the real estate agent used when they sold you the property you need to get permission from the photographer or the person who paid for the photos (agent/owner) - depending on who has the rights.
Typically the photographer owns the IP and the full rights to the photos, and they grant the customer (person who paid for the photos) an irrevocable, royalty free license to use the photos.
If you want to use the photos you must get permission in writing from the owner of the photos.
If there is a claim made against the rights to any photos used on a Cubbi listing. The user will receive 24 hours to remove the photos or provide written evidence showing permission/rights/ownership of the photos. If the photos are not removed or evidence supplied, Cubbi will remove the listing until the photos are removed or evidence is supplied.
If you can't get their permission, take a read of this blog that has great tips for taking your own photos or get your own professional photos: