Here's how to end the tenancy in Cubbi.

Once you agree on a date for your tenant to move out (or if you're selling) you then need to end the tenancy within Cubbi.

This will mark the tenancy as ended on the date you specify so Cubbi knows the tenants have moved out and calculate the final rent payments in Cubbi. 

How to end the tenancy in Cubbi

Step 1: Log into your Cubbi dashboard and choose 'End Tenancy' from the dropdown for the tenancy that you wish to end. 

Step 2: Click 'End Tenancy' button. Follow the questions on screen to inform Cubbi of the vacate date. This will send a request to the Cubbi team.

Step 3: Cubbi will receive the request to end your tenancy and send you and your tenant an email within 24 hours confirming the final rent payments. Cubbi will also assist with the vacate notice if requested.

Cubbi will also send information regarding the final outgoing inspection, bond refund process and provide a move out checklist for your tenant to ensure the house is kept in the same condition as when they moved in.