Property profiles on 3rd party websites

If you have advertised your property on 3rd party websites like and Domain you'll notice that even after the property is leased the websites keep a profile of your property on their public pages. 

The property profile (your old listing) is not searchable on their main pages for prospective tenants. You will only find the property profile if they search the specific property address on Google (or through another part on their website).

Can the listing (property profile) be completely removed?

The short answer we get back is usually: 

When information is already online it is out there in the public. 

(this is also specified in the Privacy and Acceptable Use Policy for ANY property that is listed for rent or sale on third party websites.)

This a direct message from Domain support that we received when requesting a property profile be removed:

Domain Group Policy is not to alter or remove past sales data supplied by the State and Territory Governments. The data that is displayed on Domain (via APM) forms part of the Government public record of sales history for the region. This information is lawfully collected and is publicly available for anyone to view and/or use. APM, like a number of other data suppliers, purchases this information from the State Government who supplies the information for the needs of the public.

The data is automatically sent to Domain (via APM) and updated regularly by the state Government Department. The data is not internally managed. Please note that government sales data, address and listing information is available on other property data websites such as and

All properties nationwide have a Property Profile like this; we are unable to remove these.
Can parts of the information be removed?

In some cases, we have had success in removing specific information by contacting the website's support team directly in cases when there is a security. If you are concerned about something that might cause a security breach (for example) you can try contacting their support team to remove the data (e.g. photos).