Strata Managing agents

From time-to-time a Strata Managing Agent may require a tenant of a property to be sent a breach notice (or something of this nature) for breaching the strata by laws, e.g. parking in a non-parking zone or leaving the bins in the wrong place. These things can disturb the quality of living for neighbours in the complex.

As part of our terms Cubbi is not entitled to negotiate or take requests directly from any Strata managing agent. Cubbi is an online platform used by the owner to manage the property, Cubbi does not manage the property on behalf of the Owner.

If a Strata Manager requests the tenant be sent a breach notice, this is the Owners' responsibility to communicate with the Strata Manager however the breach notice can be created by Cubbi and sent by the owner. Cubbi may assist and advise the Owner and tenant where possible.

For Strata Managers - please contact the Owner directly. If you have trouble contacting the Owner please email and we will contact the Owner. Cubbi is not entitled to provide the contact details of any Owner or Tenant to a Strata Managing agent (or any 3rd party to a tenancy) without written approval from the Owner.

For Owners - if the Strata Managing agent has contacted you about an issue please talk to us and we will advise and guide the process and create any breach notices required. We will only take enquiries directly from you.