Bank account verification
All bank accounts in Cubbi must be verified before payments can complete. This stops you (and fraudulent people) from entering a bank account you don't have access to. It's also an excellent safety guard if you accidentally enter the wrong bank account.
To verify a bank account you will need to send us a penny ($0.01) from the bank account you added in Cubbi to confirm that you have authority to access that bank account (instructions here).
For owners:
You cannot receive funds from a tenant until your bank account is verified. The good news is, rent can still be paid by the tenant but it will sit in a Cubbi trust account until your bank account is verified.
For tenants (Direct Debit only):
Rent will still get debited from your bank account even if the bank account is not verified but the money will sit in a Cubbi trust account and not be marked as paid until your bank account is verified. Time limits apply before the funds are returned back to the account.
I am having trouble making bank account verification payment