I'm having trouble connecting bank account for PayTo

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PayTo Failed Reasons (errors codes)

Reason code Description
PayerAccountNumberInvalid Payer account details or PayID provided is invalid or does not exist within NPP.
ClosedAccount Account provided is closed.
PayerAccountClosed Payer account provided is closed.
BlockedAccount Account provided is temporarily blocked.

Error reason:

Payer account type is invalid - unable to debit funds within NPP.

What this means:

This may mean the bank account is not supported for PayTo or NPP payments. This can be common for high interest savings accounts or your banking institution does not yet support PayTo.

Suggestion to resolve:

Try another bank account and/or check your bank supports PayTo.

TransactionForbiddenOnPayerAccount Transaction forbidden on the provided Payer account - either agreement to debit this account does not exist/inactive or the account does not support debits within NPP.
NPPTransactionNotSupported Transaction not supported on the provided Payer account - does not support NPP payments.
UnsupportedCurrency Unable to debit funds in AUD from the provided Payer account.
AmountInvalidOrMissing Amount and/or maximum amount are either invalid or not specified in the agreement.
AmountExceedsAgreedLimitsForPayerAccount Amount specified in the agreement exceeds the allowed transaction amount for the Payer account.
PayerDeceased Payer is deceased.
PayToServiceNotSupportedByPayerBank PayTo service is not supported by the Payer institution.
PayToServiceNotPermittedForPayer This agreement type is not supported for the provided Payer customer/account OR the Payer customer account no longer supports PayTo services.
RequestedByPayer Suspension/Cancellation is requested by Payer.
RequestedByInitiatingParty Suspension/Cancellation is requested by Creditor or by the Initiating Party.
ActiveAgreementValidityExpired Validity of the agreement has expired & is no longer active.
UndisclosedReason Suspended/Cancelled due to undisclosed reasons.
RequestedByPayer-UnspecifiedReason Suspended/Cancelled without any reason specified by the Payer.
RequestedByPayerBank-UnspecifiedReason Suspended/Cancelled without any reason specified by the Payer institution.
UnspecifiedReason Suspended/Cancelled without any specified reason.
Prohibited Suspended/Cancelled as it is considered prohibited.
PayeeNotOnAllowlistOfPayer Payee not on the allowlist/trusted list of the Payer.
PayeeOnBlocklistOfPayer Payee is blocked/blacklisted by the Payer.
ContractAmended External arrangement (or contract) between the Payer and the Initiating Party has been amended.
ContractCancellationInitiatedByDebtor External arrangement (or contract) cancellation has been initiated by Payer.
ContractExpired External arrangement (or contract) between the Payer and the Initiating Party has expired.
FinalPaymentCompleted Suspended/Cancelled as final payment has been completed successfully.
OneOffPaymentCompleted Suspended/Cancelled as one-off payment has been completed successfully
TooManyConsecutiveUnsuccessfulPayments Suspended/Cancelled due to multiple consecutive unsuccessful payment attempts.
NoResponseFromPayer Payer did not respond within the expected timeframe.
UnapprovedAgreementValidityExpired Validity of the agreement has expired before Payer authorisation.
UnknownReason Suspended/Cancelled due to unknown reason.
UnknownPayer The payment has been rejected by the Payer institution as the Payer is not known as per records. Please try again or contact the Payer.
UnrecognisedInitiatingParty The Payer has requested the payment rejection as the Initiating party is not recognised by them. Please try again or contact the Payer.

Please contact support for further clarification if required.