Giving your tenants notice to end the tenancy at the end of the lease
For Owners:
If you decide you want to end the tenancy with your current tenants on the expiry of the fixed term, you are required by law to give written notice to your tenants in advance.
The amount of notice varies quite significantly from state-to-state.
The same applies to tenants. If they want to move out when the lease ends, in most states, they are required to give you written notice beforehand.
Note: You can't give your tenants notice to vacate before the end date on their lease without grounds e.g. rent arrears, damage to the property.
For example, if the lease ends on 1 January 2021 you can't give notice for your tenants to move out by the 1st December 2020. The vacate date must be after the lease end date.
How much notice do I need to give my tenants?
Below is an outline of the number of days, weeks or months advance notice you are required to give your tenants to end the tenancy without grounds (which means the tenants haven't breached the lease in some way) on or after the lease end date:
- VIC 60 days (fixed term agreement up to and including 6 months), 90 days (fixed term agreement more than 6 months (less than 5 years)
This is only applicable at the end of the first fixed term agreement. If the tenancy has previously been renewed, the Rental Provider is required to give a valid reason for ending the fixed term agreement (in some cases, including evidence). Further information here.
- NSW 30 days (fixed term agreement), 90 days (periodic tenancy)
- QLD A valid reason must be provided Form 12 Notice to leave. Learn more
- WA 30 days (fixed term agreement), 60 days (periodic tenancy) using the Form 1C
- SA 28 days (fixed term agreement), 90 days (periodic tenancy)
- NT 14 days (fixed term agreement), 42 days (periodic tenancy)
- TAS 42 days
- ACT 26 weeks
Let Cubbi handle it! If you want to end the tenancy on or after the lease end date, just let Cubbi know and we'll get everything organised for you.
We'll guide you through the legal requirements, let your tenants know what's happening, prepare the written notice for you to send and walk everyone through the move out process.
Please feel free to contact us here.
Once Notice is served, be sure to end the tenancy in Cubbi too:
To allow Cubbi to finalise last payments, and keep the tenancy up-to-date, be sure to follow the steps here on ending the tenancy via your Cubbi Dashboard too: Here's how to end the tenancy in Cubbi.