Late rent notifications

If the rent is not paid in full as per the lease agreement, late notifications will be sent.

This does not include late invoices (water etc).

1 day late (the day after rent was due and not paid in full)

  • SMS notification to the tenant

2 days late

Grace period. No late rent notifications are sent to allow for additional bank processing.

3 days late

Grace period. No late rent notifications are sent to allow for additional bank processing.

4 days late

  • SMS notification to the tenant

The tenant will then continue to be sent an SMS notification every day following until rent is paid up to date.

Formal Action notifications will also be sent to advise Cubbi Owners on legal action recommendations based on state-specific legislation for non-payment of rent.

Please note: Late rent notifications do not get sent out after the tenancy has ended (even if the renters are still behind). This means they need to be followed up manually or claim the balance owing from the bond.