How to do a Video Walk Through

If you're looking for a new tenant a great way to reduce inspections is by helping your potential tenants determine if your property is right for them earlier, before they would normally inspect the property in person.

Tips to create the best Video Walk Through:

  • Make potential tenants who are watching the video feel like they are at the property inspecting in person. Therefore you don't need to be in front of the camera promoting yourself.
  • Walk around S L O W L Y and no jerky movements so your camera has time to auto focus (better quality) and your tenant don't get sea sick watching the video.
  • Film in natural daylight (with the sun coming from behind you you) and at times of the day and where outside noises are at a minimum (if possible)
  • We recommend that videos are filmed in landscape, not portrait. This is because landscape videos display better on websites. We know Portrait is tempting when it's a small/tighter home but landscape will display better.
  • Plan out the video before you start so you know the route you'll be taking and ensure doors are opened/unlocked and lights are on and curtains are opened. You want to be as efficient as you can.
  • Get down to details. Open kitchen cupboards and wardrobes. Video whatever you think you would like to see when inspecting a home you intend to live in. 
  • Keep it to under 10 minutes. 5 minutes is ideal. (The shorter the video the higher the engagement it will get)
  • If you do want to talk and explain the property as you film it's also a good idea to add captions to your video (as many people watch with the sounds off).
  • Start from the front of the property - remember you want to make it as real as possible, pretend you just got out of your car.
  • Do it in one take without editing so it's raw and feels more REAL. Turn aeroplane mode on you phone before you start so you don't get interrupted. Ensure you have atleast 20% battery left. 


How to upload the Video Walk Through to your rental listing