Open For Inspections banned: COVID-19
All Cubbi COVID-19 articles are in progress and will continue to update. We are actively improving Cubbi as you read this article. In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Victoria update: 28 September 2020:
"Private inspections for residential real estate can also resume with one client (dependants and a partner may also attend) and is limited to 15 minutes. Residents who are living in the home must not be there. The 5km rule does not apply when inspecting a house for rent or purchase. You can only leave your home for a maximum of two hours to attend the inspection and you cannot travel into regional Victoria" Source
You can still enter inspections times via your Cubbi Dashboard. Please note these should only be for one-on-one inspections.
If you're going to continue private inspections follow these rules.
To reduce (or remove) the need inspections click on the below links to learn about your options: