How to download EOFY Tax Package

  1. Go to Transactions
  2. Click on the round icon up the top with the 3 lines in it
  3. Click EOFY Tax Package
  4. Select the Financial Year and which properties you want included in the reports
  5. Go to your emails

 Make sure you have: 

  • Record all expenses transacted outside Cubbi (including interest on your loan)
  • Record any income received outside of Cubbi. (You should not need to do this because all rent is recorded in Cubbi and you can invoice your tenant for other payments.
  • Tax Depreciation Schedule for your accountant. If your accountant does not already have one, get one and attach it to your email. You might save a lot of money.

Issues downloading the Tax Pack?

Email not going through

You should get the email within 30 seconds of downloading the Tax Pack.

If you try to download your Tax Pack again and you see an empty box make sure you uncheck it before downloading the Tax Pack. If you don't, you will not receive the email.

See below screenshot:

This happens when there are properties in your Cubbi account that have an error but don't worry it has no effect on your active property/ies. Essentially the extra property is the empty box in the above screenshot. Just make sure you uncheck it next time and you will be fine (atleast until this bug is fixed).