For owners
Deciding to using Cubbi
- Rental forms
- What websites do you advertise on?
- How do lease agreements work in Cubbi
- How do I ditch my agent and switch to Cubbi?
- Can I just advertise using Cubbi?
- How do inspections work?
- Landlord Insurance
- Who takes care of maintenance?
- What happens if a tenant is late with a rent payment?
- How is Cubbi different to an agent?
- What are the fees?
- Notice period to terminate Management Agreement
- Can I claim Cubbi fees on tax?
- How do potential Tenants contact me?
- Can I re-advertise the same property without paying $199 again?
- Do you verify owners and tenants?
- How do tenants pay rent with Cubbi?
- How we process bond payments
- What insurance do I need when renting a property?
- Do I sign a contract with Cubbi?