
Set and forget. Cubbi automatically deducts rent from the renter's bank account when it’s due.

Previously called 'Direct Debit', we believe 'AutoPay' more accurately reflects the process of automatically debiting rent from the renter's bank account when it's due. This change also coincides with the release of PayTo. From April 2024, AutoPay payments are processed via PayTo, enabling real-time payments (30 seconds). Renters who set up AutoPay before April 2024 will continue with the traditional direct debit method (3 business days) until they update their payment method.

Benefits of AutoPay:

  • The tenant does not have to initiate payments, payments are initiated by Cubbi (not the tenant inside their own banking app).
  • The payment is initiated on the rent due date automatically
  • Payments are processed via PayTo (real-time in 30 seconds). Please note renters who set up AutoPay before April 2024 will continue with the traditional direct debit method (3 business days) until they update their payment method.
  • Renters have the option to change the payment to initiated 'x' days before the rent due date to sync up with their pay cycle or pay rent early.
  • The Direct Debit amount and frequency is automatically adjusted when the rent payment terms change (eg for rent increase or pro-rata final payments).
  • AutoPay is smart as it will only deduct rent from the tenant if rent is due and for the amount that is due.
Screenshot of tenant dashboard to manage AutoPay

Direct Debit is one of the payments options for tenants to pay rent.

Setting up AutoPay

A tenant can set up AutoPay when they are onboarded (approved for a property or invited into Cubbi) or at anytime during the tenant within the Cubbi dashboard.

Step-by-step instructions: How to set up AutoPay (for tenants)

Cancelling AutoPay

A tenant can only cancel AutoPay if the agreed rent payment terms of the lease are set to AutoPay optional. If a renter cancel's AutoPay, they will need to make payment via other tenant payment options (PayID or BPAY).

Step-by-step instructions: How to cancel AutoPay

Cancelling AutoPay will only stop future rent payments from been debited. It does not stop any pending AutoPay payments.

Can rent be paid with other payment options (PayID or BPAY) while on AutoPay?

Yes, a renter can pay via other methods while on AutoPay and gives the renter flexibility for three reasons:

If the tenant pays via PayID or BPAY the payment must reach Cubbi before the scheduled AutoPay deduction date otherwise the automatic payments will continue to process.

  1. To beat the Direct Debit before it's deducted: If the tenant pays via PayID or BPAY the payment must reach Cubbi before the scheduled AutoPay deduction date otherwise the automatic payment will continue to process. This is common if a renter is on AutoPay (Always on) they still have control to pay via PayID or BPAY provided rent is paid before the rent is due and before the scheduled deduction date.
  2. To get rent paid faster if Traditional Direct Debt fails: You don't have 3 days to wait for a traditional Direct Debit payment to clear, therefore paying via PayID or BPAY may ensure rent is paid on-time. Please note, you will need to cancel the failed direct debit otherwise it will auto-retry within 24 hours.
  3. To pay rent in-advance (eg. 3 months in advance): if a renter has agreed to pay 'x' months in advance outside of their regular billing cycle (eg monthly) than they can may a one time manual payment via PayID or BPAY to pay rent in advance.

From April 2024, AutoPay payments are processed via PayTo (30 seconds). However renters on AutoPay prior to April 2024 will need to change their payment method to pay via PayTo otherwise the payment is processed via Traditional Direct Debit and take 3 business days to clear.

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